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Jane Russell 20120203_atlanta_wordcamp_327 swimsuit separates 20120203: Atlanta, GA: 2012 Atlanta WordCamp gets its start at SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design), in Atlanta on Friday Feb. 3, 2012. by Frank Neimier bathing suits Jane Russell 20120203_atlanta_wordcamp_327 swimsuit separates Jane Russell Flickr - Photo Sharing
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She was a "real woman". She grew old with such grace. It is a sham that more women are not true to themselves like she was. But this take real courage and women today relay on a man to tell them what a woman is suppose to look like.
She was a "real woman". She grew old with such grace. It is a sham that more women are not true to themselves like she was. But this take real courage and women today relay on a man to tell them what a woman is suppose to look like.